Testimonials: praise from people that liked my services - ΩJr. Software Consultancy

This information lives on a webpage hosted at the following web address: 'https://omegajunior.globat.com/software-consultancy/'.

Who does not like praise? Some thank-yous and recommendations that were allowed to get published.

Location: Howell, NJ, USA
Work Status: US Green Card
Born in: 1973

Carole Franceski

(CEO/Founder TLC Ministries)

“I can not begin to thank you enough for all the effort you (...) put into the redesign of the site. We have received many very positive comments on it!

“We appreciate your continued support of Tender Loving Care Ministries, Inc. We are blessed by the efforts of so many partners that enable us to meet our mission to the many needy children in the Appalachian region of Southern Ohio, Eastern Kentucky, West Virginia and Southwestern Virginia.

“Tender Loving Care Ministries, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization under the Internal Revenue Code. There were no goods or services provided to you for this donation.”


Frank van Lith

(Business Development Manager at Colours)

“André has exceptional skills in webdevelopment and functional design. He can really get the details right both in documentation and development.

“Because of his wide range of expertise he can create the overview you sometimes need to explain the required situation to customers or developers.”

Robijn Lutke Schipholt

(Content Manager and Assistant Picture Editor at Oxfam Novib)

“Ik heb online samengewerkt met André tijdens het redesign door Colours van onze website www.oxfamnovib.nl. Ik was heel blij met de begeleiding die ik kreeg tijdens dit ingewikkelde proces en dankbaar voor zijn geduld en uitleg.”

Remko Seepma

(Founding Partner at Business Life Academy)

“André is very honest and straight forward person in almost everyhing he does. He is a very seasoned and experienced developer with a great innovative and creative mind and spirit.

“He always strives for the best solution, preferably not settling for less! I am happy to recommend Andre to any organization and without any hesitation!”

Nicolle Severens

(Projectmanager at Colours)

“André is driving force for SmartSite team Geleen. Furthermore, he has a broad technical knowledge and the ability to rapidly expand it.

“His ambitions are to be more advisory and less technical. That he can express in his new role as technical consultant, which can be perfectly combined with his good documentation skills.”


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