Flora Dance - ΩJr. Music

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Sample of the arrangement 'Flora Dance' by composer A.E.Veltstra (2006-04-26), based on the traditional 'Helston Furry' (1911). Full song lasts 2:09min.

Audio Plug-in Required for Play-back. We usually provide samples in Ogg, M4A, Wav, and Aif. Sometimes Midi. If you have no such plug-in (activated), try the downloads listed below.

The 'Flora Dance', also known as the 'Helston Furry', is a traditional pagan fertility dance, sung and danced at the beginning of February.

Throughout the years several composers created arrangements, the first one being Katie Moss, in 1911, while the most well-known brass version was performed by the Brighouse and Rastrick Brass Band (1977), and the best-known televised version by Terry Wogan (1978).

The one sampled here is my own arrangement for woodwind band, with a virtuoso for the euphonium.

19 Voices:

flute 1 + 2 (+ 3),
clarinet 1 + 2 + 3,
trumpet 1 + 2,
alto sax 1 + 2 + 3,
F horn 1 + 2 + 3,
tenor tuba (main melody),
bass tuba,

Do you need Sheet Music, a Teacher, Conductor, or spare instrumentalist?

Hit me up at “omegajunior at protonmail dot com”.