Rock Mi Hait Noch - ΩJr. Music

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Sample of the arrangement by A.E.Veltstra of "Rock mi hait Noch" by VoXXclub. This German title means "Rock me tonight".

Sample size: 6.5MB, 2:40min.

Audio Plug-in Required for Play-back. We usually provide samples in Ogg, M4A, Wav, and Aif. Sometimes Midi. If you have no such plug-in (activated), try the downloads listed below.

Original music 'Rock mi', written and performed by VoXXclub, 2012 - 2013.

Arranged by A.E.Veltstra for small woodwind band.


trumpet 1,
trumpet 2,
tenor saxophone / tuba,
bass (Eb),
drum set.

Do you need Sheet Music, a Teacher, Conductor, or spare instrumentalist?

Hit me up at “omegajunior at protonmail dot com”.