Publizjr Release Notes and Downloadables - ΩJr. Publizjr Creates Web Pages

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Downloadables for Publizjr, the PHP and file-based Web Page Publication System

Release notes, August 5, 2016

Tested for PHP7: no problems found.

Started on Publizjr 3, which will break compatibility with PHP versions older than 7.

Several visual improvements were added to the default CSS. A header element was added to the default publizjr.php. The vCard translation was given sample content. See the change log for specifics.

Release notes, June 16, 2016

A small but important issue was solved in PublizjrPage.class.php.

The issue existed in the methods addNavMenu() and addPageLinks(), and caused an index overflow to be visible in the web page, if empty lines were added to the links or menu files.

We added checks for the link array length to avoid this issue.

Release notes, June 2, 2015

We just released Publizjr 2.

Migration Advice

We advise using Publizjr 2 for new websites, but don't migrate existing Publizjr 1 websites to this new release unless:
- your webserver runs PHP5 or higher;
- your current Publizjr 1 implementation uses mostly default components and few to no custom components.

Benefits of Publizjr 2

Publizjr 2 reduces maintenance time and effort for both programmers and webmasters, compared to Publizjr 1.

Publizjr 2 provides many functions out of the box that in version 1 had to be added or customized. The way content authors work has stayed the same for existing functionality. Some additional options have become available.

Pages can show Calls to Action. To improve conversion of visitors into customers, calls to action have become a default functionality of Publizjr 2. Assuming that each website section is geared towards a single call to action, we let you specify which one to show on a per-template basis.

The calls to actions themselves are stored in the translations folder, ready to be translated into any language your site supports.

Publizjr can now generate a header menu. Create a file called 'navMenu' in the root folder. Edit it and have it contain links like the 'links' file does. Override this menu on a specific page by adding a file 'navMenu' to that oage's folder. Override this menu in child sections with a file 'navMenuForChildren'.
(PHP Programmers: $page->addNavMenu();.)

Contact information has been replaced with a vCard. To improve SEO we allow MicroFormats: every page can show the vCard of its author. The default vCard will be shown (if present) if the page does not specify its own.

The vCards are stored in the translations folder, ready to be translated into any language your site supports.

Every Page is a Rich Web Snippet. To improve SEO we made every page follow the Article Schema. This can be overridden per page.

Page Links and Breadcrumb Paths are formatted according to Rich Snippet Schemas.

Tip: enhance the author's vCard to make it follow the Person Schema.

Every Page is an Open Graph Article. To improve social media discovery we made every page follow the Open Graph Article Object specification. This can be overridden per page.

Every page shares social media images for Facebook (ogImage), Twitter (twImage), Pinterest (pinImage), and any other that follows Open Graph rules. Images can be set per page, overruling the default site images.

Every Page is Extensible. Whereas with Publizjr 1, a PHP programmer specifically had to add extensibility, Publizjr 2 has this built in. Every page can display page-specific js, css, and html. This makes customising pages (like adding contact forms and web games) much easier.

(Custom PHP per page still requires a PHP programmer and thus is not a default option.)

Programmer Information

PHP programmers should study the Publizjr 2 API Document.


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