An overview of the API (Application Programming Interace) of all public members inside zjrJS, the cross-browser ΩJr. Javascript Library.
From here, you can access more articles, each describing a member, including examples and characteristics.
These articles are meant to be used by web developers. If you are a stupid person, do not look for your cow yourself, to quote Terry Pratchett.
Used zjrJS Version:
Stable Minified version 20141202t2322 of zjrJS.
There is no newer Beta version available.
Debugging Methods
Document Accelerators
MSIE Improvements
- zjrJS.Debug.alert(String) - if Debug.mode != 0, the passed String is alerted using a standard window.alert().
- zjrJS.Debug.crack(Object) - the passed Object is extrapolated: all its members (but not their values) are listed using a standard window.alert().
- zjrJS.Debug.log(String) - the passed String is logged to the browser's console if supported, otherwised passed on to Debug.alert().
- zjrJS.Debug.mode - toggle Debug.alerting on (set to !0) or off (set to 0).
Document Accelerators
- zjrJS.Doc.aC(Child, Parent) - append Child to Parent; if no Parent specified, then append Child to document (body). Opposite of dC().
- zjrJS.Doc.aCl(className, Target) - add className to CSS class of Target element, opposite of dCl().
- zjrJS.Doc.addArrayComprehension() - add array comprehension as defined in EcmaScript 5.
- zjrJS.Doc.aE(Target, event, function) - add event listener function at event to Target element, opposite of dE().
- zjrJS.Doc.cE(tagName) - create an element with tag name tagName.
- zjrJS.Doc.cT(text) - create a text node to add to elements.
- zjrJS.Doc.dCl(className, Target) - delete className from the CSS class attribute of Target element, opposite of aCl().
- zjrJS.Doc.dE(Target, event, function) - delete event listener function at event from Target element, opposite of aE().
- zjrJS.Doc.eid(id) - get element by id.
- zjrJS.Doc.eP(Event) - prevent default action from occurring on event, cancel bubbling and propagation.
- zjrJS.Doc.eS(Event) - collect event source.
- zjrJS.Doc.etn(tagName, Parent) - get elements by tagName from Parent or document.
- zjrJS.Doc.hashCode(text) - Hashes any string into an integer for data-save storage and binary-save comparing.
- zjrJS.Doc.hC(className, Element) - Has Class? Or, does the class attribute of Element contain className?
- zjrJS.Doc.lS(url, id, type, cacheInterval) - load a script into the document dynamically and asynchronously.
- zjrJS.Doc.mbh(http-equiv) - retrieve the content of all meta elements identified by the same http-equiv.
- zjrJS.Doc.mbn(name) - retrieve the content of all meta elements identified by the same name.
- zjrJS.Doc.rC(Parent) - remove all children from Parent.
- zjrJS.Doc.Store.get(key) and set(key, value) - store any data in the visitor's browser, and retrieve it afterwards.
MSIE Improvements
- zjrJS.MSIE.h5A() - add "support" for common HTML5 elements to MSIE. Also known as an HTML5 Shim. Apparently MSIE 5 through 8 react better to HTML5 objects after creating them through JS.