Bronsgroen Eikenhout - ΩJr. Music

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Sample of the arrangement called 'Bronsgroen Eikenhout' by composer A.E.Veltstra
1MB, 1:23min.

Audio Plug-in Required for Play-back. We usually provide samples in Ogg, M4A, Wav, and Aif. Sometimes Midi. If you have no such plug-in (activated), try the downloads listed below.

Traditional anthem of the province of Limburg, the Netherlands. Original lyrics written by Gerard Krekelberg (1909), original melody composed by Hendrik Thyssen.
Arranged for woodwind and brass bands in an upbeat marching tempo (120 bpm), featuring 3 melodic voices and a slew of rhythmical accompaniments.


clarinet/bugle 1 + 2,
soprano sax,
trumpet 1 + 2,
alto sax 1 + 2,
F horn,
tenor tuba,
tenor sax 1 + 2,
bass tuba,
snare drum,
bass drum,

Do you need Sheet Music, a Teacher, Conductor, or spare instrumentalist?

Hit me up at “omegajunior at protonmail dot com”.