zjrJS Javascript Library

Test Case for zjrJS.Doc.lS() - zjrJS Javascript Library

This information lives on a webpage hosted at the following web address: 'https://omegajunior.globat.com/code/zjrjs/'.

Showing whether zjrJS.Doc.lS() actually works.

Javascript must be allowed to run on this page.

Successful When...
In the form, after pressing the Load button, a Lorem Ipsum text is shown in the Output box.

The Lorem Ipsum text is part of the additional script that is loaded by pressing the Load button. After the browser has completed loading the script, it calls back to a function that is part of the test script. In turn, this function only shows expected parts of the received data.


Download zjrJS’ latest stable build (20141202t2322) minified (7.1KB).

Download zjrJS’ latest stable build (20141202t2322) (11.9KB).

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