Retrieving Data. A Best Practice. - Beta Test Suite for zjrJS

This information lives on a webpage hosted at the following web address: ''.

A best practice, using public functions inside zjrJS, the cross-browser OmegaJunior Javascript Library, to load and cache data from the server.

Used zjrJS Version:

Stable Minified version 20141202t2322 of zjrJS.

There is no newer Beta version available.




Reduce both the perceived and the actual initial loading time of the main page.

zjrJS.Doc.lS() to load scripts

<script type="text/javascript" src="zjrJS.version.js" id="zjrJS"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */

//The reader script should be instructed to call back when done loading
zjrJS.Doc.lS("myDataReader.js", "myDataReader");

//This is the callback function that myDataReader.js will invoke
function myDataReaderCallback(){
//Now we know the reader is loaded and ready, let's get some data.
//This data script should also call back when done loading.
zjrJS.Doc.lS("myData.js", "myData", 30);

function myDataCallback(){
//Now we know the data is loaded and ready, do something with the data
/* ]]> */</script>

In the above example you saw that the on-demand moment is body.onLoad(). Use it to load parts of your application you don't need right away. Other moments include button pushes, menu invocations, log-in requests, and the likes.

Don't use zjrJS.Doc.lS() when...

How to do this using competitive libraries
JQuery getScript()
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */

//The reader script does not need to be instructed to call back when done loading
//because we provide the callback function right here.
$.getScript("myDataReader.js", function(){
//Now we know the reader is loaded and ready, let's get some data.
$.getScript("myData.js", function(){
//Now we know the data is loaded and ready, do something with the data.
//Just mind your closures.

/* ]]> */</script>


Download zjrJS’ latest stable build (20141202t2322) minified (7.1KB).

Download zjrJS’ latest stable build (20141202t2322) (11.9KB).