ΩJr. Failure Notes

ΩJr. Failure Notes - UI and UX Horrors - Damaging mistakes in user interface design, user experience, and usability

This information lives on a webpage hosted at the following web address: 'https://omegajunior.globat.com/failurenotes/'.

Hall of shame for web and computer applications that fail to function as desired, that are better to avoid, or wish you would spend your money elsewhere.

Every now and then we visit a web page, try to use a web or computer application, and go, OMGWTFM?

Then we get frustrated and seek to spend our money at a competitor whose site / software doesn't make that difficult.

Sometimes the problem is caused by poor User Interface Design.

A UI presents the buttons you push and the dials you fiddle, to make a machine work.

We can find these on washing machines, radios and remote controls, but also on web pages and locally-run software.

For websites specifically, these failures are known as web design mistakes, blaming the designers or the programmers, specifically.

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Sometimes the problem is caused by poor User Experience Design.

UX plays a role in how commercial web sites lead a visitor from one page to the next, mostly to convert them into buyers, or how gaming websites lead gamers from one situation to the next.

We also find UX when a company formats its services to display on various devices (television, computer, smartphone, watch, fridge), when the one device guides the user to the next.

Mostly, problematic situations are caused by limitations put on the developers.

They put them there themselves, or ran into them because of technology they use, or had them imposed by their managers or clients.

Whatever the situation may be, every time something has us shake our head in pity, it deserves a Failure Note in our Hall of Shame.

Public Hall of Shame

We show baffling web pages, as well as web and computer applications, not as a cheap mockery, but as a form of education: these are the things you should strive to avoid.

We also offer advice, if we can think of a way to improve a service.

Learn from our mistakes, so you don't have to repeat them yourself.